By: Betty Lee
It takes a special person to be able to respond to an emergency in seconds, often putting all feelings aside to assist in times of tragedies and making life saving decisions. These people work tiredly in some difficult situations, yet some of the most compassionate and loving people you will have the chance to meet. Everyday an EMT leaves their homes and families, not knowing what the day will hold.
This profession is not for the faint of heart as it carries long hours, stressful scenarios, and being there for some of the worst days that a family can endure. Being put in situations that would shock and terrify most, yet with the highest level of professionalism, all while keeping their own emotions in check is no easy task. It is not a requirement to put away the pain, hurt, doubts, confusion, and anger, but it is an EMT’s responsibility to do the job to the best of their ability.
Emergency response workers don’t go unnoticed, although sometimes the job may get the best of them, they are needed and valued for their time and quick judgements. Recognizing one of Clay County’s Finest, Lindsay Kise is Clay County EMT Employee of the month. Lindsay has been with Clay EMS for one year, and worked in this field for 11 years, being a certified EMT for 9 years. Congratulations, and thank you for serving Clay County.