By Gary Lee Stuber
The Clay County Commission Meeting held on Monday, Feb. 24 was about the shortest and sweetest meeting on record. The commission took care of typical county business approving minutes from the previous meeting, bills, purchase orders, budget revisions, and estate appointments.
Shay Edgar was going to make a presentation to the commission regarding Clay Gymnastics but was a no show, so that item on the agenda was the only item tabled. The commission, reacting to a letter of resignation from Michelle Bodkins, accepted it.
Commission President Joyce Johnson briefly left the room while commissioners David Schoolcraft and Duane Legg considered another matter. Joseph Johnson, the interim director of the E911 center, was discussed and appointed as the new Director of E911.
Terry Martin presented invoices totaling more than $109,000 for the Judicial Annex. He also gave an update on the Big Otter Water Project, saying that the bid was accepted and construction could begin as soon as March of this year.
Donna Salisbury of the Family Center across from the courthouse announced they got their $10,000 grant and that this past weekend the two of them unloaded 8,000 pounds of food. Some of that will be taken out of the county for flood relief where it is badly needed.
The next meeting of the Clay County Commission will be at 9 a.m. on March 10, 2025.