The Braxton/Clay Master Gardeners sponsored an Agronomy Student as a summer intern. She is currently enrolled at the Christian University of North Haiti, Limbe’.
There were six interns who worked at the Eben-Ezer Farm which is located in the North East Province of Haiti. The farm is supported by a partnership between the Jerusalem Baptist Church and Friends of Fort Liberte’, a NGO based out of South Charleston, WV.
The interns worked under the direction of an experienced Agronomist who manages a twenty acre farm. They received hands-on experience in planting, tending and harvesting crops. They also received instruction on the importance of crop rotation, mulching and the use of drip irrigation. Additionally, the students worked in the apiary, poultry barns, and the rabbit hutches.
This was a wonderful experience for the students to work in their chosen field of study and also receive a salary for the summer’s work. Thank you Braxton/Clay Master Gardeners! If you are interested in learning more about the WVU Extension Master Gardeners program, please contact the Clay County Extension Service at 304-587-4267.