Clay County Board of Education met on Monday, November 27, 2017 at Lizemores Elementary School for their regularly scheduled meeting.

After approving the agenda, the minutes from the previous meeting were approved. A motion to approve the resignation of Sheran Helmick as Literacy Teacher and substitute for after school at Big Otter Elementary school was approved, effective immediately. A motion to approve the reassignment of Sue Hundley from fifth grade teacher at Clay Elementary School to fourth grade teacher at Clay Elementary School was approved. A motion to approve the resignation of Mary Ramsey as Assistant Girls’ Basketball Coach at Clay County High School was approved, effective immediately. A motion to approve the resignation of Aaron Williams as assistant softball coach at Clay County High School was approved, effective immediately. A motion to approve the resignation of Greg Knopp as assistant football coach at Clay County Middle School was approved, effective immediately. A motion to approve the Reimagined Time Policy for the 2017-2018 school year was approved. Tyler Waugh was the honorary board member from Lizemores Elementary.