The Clay County Board of Education met on Monday, September 25, 2017, for a regularly scheduled meeting.
A motion to approve the agenda was made and approved. A motion to approve the minutes from the previous meeting was approved. A motion to approve three bus drivers for the 21st Century Grant Activity Bus Operators for After School Activities was approved. A motion to approve the employment of After School Site Coordinators (21st Century Grant, new positions) was approved. A motion to approve the employment of Suzanne Gillespie and Katherine Claytor as Substitute Teachers for the 2017-2018 school year was approved. A motion to approve the overnight/out of state trip and expenses for the Clay County High School STEM IV Seniors and chaperones to attend the Centennial Open House for NASA in Hampton, VA, October 20, 2017 – October 22, 2017 was approved. A motion to approve the disciplinary action for Robert Belt, five day suspension without pay, was approved.
School employee Vickie Perdue came before the Board of Education to find out why she could not wear a shirt to school that says, “I’m gonna pray anyway.” She asked why she was advised by an administrator to change her shirt. Paxton’s response, “I don’t believe, the board doesn’t believe, what the law says either.” He then proceeded to say, “We’re God fearing citizens here in Clay County and there is a very small minority that may not feel the way that most of us do.” He implied that we are on heightened awareness here in Clay County with certain groups watching, we have had to change some of our procedures, I don’t like it any more than you do.”
It is clear that school employees can’t promote nor discourage prayer in the establishment clause of the first amendment. Attorney Jason Long was in attendance, which has been assisting the Superintendent on some of these “very complex issues” as he stated. He advises everyone to read the U.S. Supreme Court on the Separation of Church and State, and the establishment Clause of the first amendment.