By Frank Kerr Jr.
The Clay County High School Art Auction at the Clay County Golden Delicious Festival was a great success.
On September 15, 2018, I was once again amazed at the love and support that came from the efforts of the Clay County High School Advanced Art Students. This was my 10th year coordinating the Art Auction. It is also my last auction. I will be retiring at the end of this year in June. My appreciation is never ending.
I would have loved to have been able to give all of my students every year, a ribbon… but, there are only a few ribbons given.. but in my eyes and heart, you have all been winners. After all, you have created and had your art in an Art Show and Auction! And you earned money for your hard work!
Congratulations to all of this years’ participants and winners. This years’ winners are as follows:
Best of Show: Alyssa Helms for her Acrylic, Titled: The Old Elkhurst Swinging Bridge (My special picture!)
Queens Choice: Caitlin Belt for her Acrylic, Titled: Dreamscape Reflection
Apple Festival Theme:
1st place: Salyndria Gill for her Watercolor, Titled: Golden Years
2nd place: Hayden Morris for her Acrylic, Titled: Tortuga
3rd place: Kenzie Sears for her watercolor, Titled: West “By God” Virginia
Student choice theme:
1st place: Caitlin Belt for her Acrylic, Titled: Sakura
2nd place: Kenzie Sears for her watercolor, Titled: Bird V (5)
3rd place: Hayden Morris for her watercolor, Titled: Bird II
There were also, two Honorable Mentions given to:
Taylor Sears for her color pencil drawing, Titled: Beauty and The Beast
And Salyndria Gill for her pastel, Titled: Misfortune
During these last 10 years it has been a pleasure working with the CCGDAF committees, the commissioner and court house staff, my judges; Jerry Stover, Regina Potasnik, and Angela Nicholas, auctioneer; Jeanie Davis, the spotters; Michelle Frame, Frankie Kerr, Marlene Lewis, Vera Kelly, and Brian Moore, (among a few others), Joy Miller and Renea Hubbard for spending many hours helping me frame pictures, my husband for always being there to help me in any way, and last but not least, the many parents, friends, and families that have purchased our Art…way too many to list! Although, there have been some who have purchased many pictures over the years. Some of these include; Brian Moore, Jeanie Davis, Joe Summers, Connie Kinder, Joyce Gibson, Jerry Butcher, Reba Legg, Allen and Samantha King, Valerie and Ricky Ahart, Tiny and Stephanie Ahart, Sandy Potasnik, David Walker, and the late Robert Lanham. There are way too many other people that have supported the art department and students to be able to list them all, but I thank each of you, very much!
The money generated from this art auction has been divided with the art students and all of the money has been used for the students. I have purchased supplies, taken the students on field trips, and provided around $3,000 in scholarships to those art students that pursued a degree in art. Those students that have been given a scholarship were; Samantha Johnson, Nicole Sizemore, Madison Bennett, Whittney Harman, Megan Johnson, and Dakota Fugate. My plan as of now, is to use the remaining money to purchase a sign that will benefit all of our Clay High Panthers, past, present, and future!
I have to express a final thank you to my 2018/19 Advanced Art Students for the flowers, kind words, and group hug, Jeanie Davis for the flowers she gave me, and Reba Legg for purchasing a special picture and giving it to me.
You made my last art auction special… and I thank you.