By Betty Gandee

Age is only a number, and the seniors in Clay are showing that to be true by having a good time at the events at Clay Senior and Community Services.
Everything from making Hawaiian leis with school board member Cheryl White to Mother’s Day makeovers is on the agenda. These seniors are having fun, and showing the community how to age with grace. The makeovers consisted of makeup, nail painting, and a fresh hairdo from Stacy Holcomb Pritt and Vicki Ramsey, owners of the Hair Crew. They have also been participating in recipe swaps, crafts, and many other activities as of late.
This is just the beginning of the events happening at the newly revised center. The grand re-opening on May 18 had everyone excited about the future of the organization. Bandwagon band provided musical entertainment and Craft Kings catered the event with some delicious pulled pork. Stephanie Duffield was honored at the opening after recently being appointed as Executive Director.

Stephanie is a registered nurse and has been employed with the center since 2010. During her tenure she has demonstrated the ability to manage multiple government sponsored plans aimed at serving the senior citizens and disabled population of the area. She has developed strong relationships with state and regional agencies involved in the oversight funding of CSCS’ programs. Seniors, community members, and employees alike enjoyed the food and music throughout the day.
More events are scheduled to take place to keep the seniors active and involved. Some upcoming events include Bingo every Tuesday, a Flatwoods shopping trip on May 31, and the annual picnic on June 29 at Spread Park. You can follow the center on their Facebook page to get information on all events or by contacting the center at 304-587-2468.