Clay County Schools have many talented students. With those talented students come talented groups and organizations within Clay County Schools. This past school year, several groups competed at the state and national levels. TSA, FFA, FBLA & HOSA, to name a few. These organizations filled with talented students have achieved many awards, placing in the Top 12 and even bringing home a 1st place in the nation. To recognize those accomplishments, the State Superintendent, Dr. Michael Martirano, came and visited Clay County High School and spoke to the students on Wednesday morning, September 16th. The presidents of the organizations spoke and told about their specific accomplishments. Those were; Ely Osborne, FBLA President; Paige Stewart, HOSA Representative; Bryan Burkhamer, FFA President; Madison Perdue, Advanced Government and Politics Representative; Haley Jones, TSA Secretary, Emily Morton, TSA State Sergeant-at-Arms, Seth Stover, TSA State Reporter, Ian Smith, CCHS President; and Hunter Jones, TSA CMS President. The Clay Middle School TSA Chapter was in attendance as well. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Brenden Lesher and Robert Daniels, both Private 2nd Class, US Army National Guard. Ruth Hundley welcomed guests and told about the school’s academic success. Delegate Roger Hanshaw also spoke and told about how proud he was for the successes of the students and organizations.
Dr. Martirano spoke to the students and told them he was excited to visit the school because he knew he was going to a place of hope and excitement. Dr. Martirano liked the fact that he felt welcome and kindness when he walked into the school. He told the students that no matter what your situation and no matter what has happened in your life or what will happen in your life; it cannot stop you from being the best that you can be if you set your mind to it. Dr. Martirano said “My message is very clear, to all the fabulous leaders, to the faculty, to our parents, to all of you, to whom much is given, much is required.” He talked strongly on the fact that each and every student needs to make it a point to be kind, aware of your character, and that they each take care of others that are less fortunate. The attitude that you have towards one another can make or break their self-esteem. Do what you can to build others up and not tear them down.