In order for The Buffalo Creek Recreational Trail to be finished early this summer, many people with a variety of skills and resources will be needed this spring to make it happen. Four bridges need either flooring or handrails or both and plans are for one of the bridges to be covered. Brush and trees need to be cut, gravel put down, signs put up, wayside panels installed, etc. A meeting is scheduled for Thursday evening, March 10 at 6:00 at the BDA building in Two Run to plan the work. You might not be able to do manual labor, but people are also needed to prepare food for workers, run heavy equipment, donate money and other resources (such as wood, tools and equipment), help secure funding and other resources, run errands, etc.
We hope you will come to the meeting and volunteer to be part of this significant effort to revitalize our county! For more info contact Mitch DeBoard at 587-2924 or Roberta Faile at 587-2949.