The Clay County Landmarks Commission and Historical Society met on Wednesday, July 6, 2016 in the Old Courthouse. Attending the meeting were Sandra Claybrook, Marlene Potasnik, Jim Miller, Jeanine Samples, Frances Boggs, Lenore Pettit, Eloise Boggs and Jerry Stover.
One topic dominated the meeting: The Flood. No minutes read, no treasurer’s report, no committee reports – just the flood, and its impact on the Society and on individual members. And full assessment has not yet been made.
We were all affected by the flood waters and accompanying storms, directly or indirectly – outages, damaged roads, fallen trees, and direct hits. Jerry, whose house is in Clay and along the river, reported that the lower level (basement) and garage were flooded.
Jerry reported that some records and items belonging to the Historical Society were lost. A good number were saved, including the collection of family Bibles that have been donated to the Society. Help has been available to salvage materials, including aid from members of the Mormon Church at Flatwoods. Marlene returned a stack of documents that she and Quincy had dried out. The work continues.
As a matter of explanation as to why Historical Society items were stored in Jerry’s basement, Jerry and the rest of us local members believed that his basement was a safer place than the Old Courthouse. No one anticipated this “once in a thousand years” flood.
Other members reported on aid they had given neighbors and family members who had suffered damages and inconveniences caused by flooding.
After discussing the best course of action of members present, it was decided that we should continue what we’re doing, helping where we see a need and being available when asked.
The next meeting will be August 3, 2016 at 1 PM, place to be decided later.