The monthly meeting of the Clay County Landmarks Commission and Historical Society was held May 4, 2016 in the Clay County Library. Present were Lenora Pettit, Betty Burdette Robinson, Jim Miller, Sandra Claybrook, Eloise Boggs, and Jerry Stover.
President Jerry Stover called the meeting to order. The minutes of the April, 2016 meeting were approved as printed in the local newspapers. Jim gave the treasurer’s report.
President’s Report
1. Jerry thanked Eloise for editing Now & Then, a “labor of love,” since 1990. He expressed his thanks to everyone working now to keep our Society moving forward. He reported on a query from Elizabeth Isaac and suggested it be printed in Now & Then.
2. Bulk mailing continues to be a challenge using the required computer program. This delays the mailing of our newsletter.
3. There was a brief discussion of our business files.
4. The “Family History Starter Kits” offered by Paul Jones: Paul has made some additions to the sample copy he sent us. Jerry will contact him about having the kits available for sale at the Apple Festival in September.
5. Jerry showed a copy of the book, Shades of Sugar Tree, by T. G. Griffith, a Clay County writer. A copy will be given to the Clay County Library.
Committee Reports
1. Cemeteries: No news from Karen but Lenora reported that they knew the location of “new” cemeteries in Otter District but had not visited them yet.
2. Jim gave a report on the building (old courthouse).
3. Library: open Tuesdays, 9:00 to Noon. A crew works there each week getting material sorted and logged; currently the Donna Graham Bell collection and the Aulene Samples collection, and also taking care of other Society business. Each of these collections contain numerous family histories and will be excellent resource material when organized and eventually computerized.
4. Garnie Testa’s book: We welcome more school pictures. Sandra had made copies of a 1933 road map of Clay County showing the schools in Clay County at that time. The map was printed in the Clay County Free Press in the early 1990s. However, it is not the same map that was included in Garnie’s history, but it has valuable information.
5. Elkhurst Bridge Project: No news
6. Tressie Bailes Material: We need a person who would be willing to organize all her writings, including her large poem collection. All of her writings are valuable as historical reminders of Clay County life in the early 20th century.
Next Meeting: Wednesday, June 1, 2016, 1 PM, Clay County Library
Off the Record: Some discussion after adjournment concerning plans for our role in the Apple Festival. This will be a topic taken up in our June meeting. Meanwhile, Betty, Sandra, Eloise, and other interested persons may get together to explore the possibility of a display of old school pictures and other historical items at the Festival.
Eloise Boggs, Recorder