The Clay County Landmarks Commission and Historical Society meeting was held in the Clay County Library on Wednesday, October 7, 2015. Present were Quincy Potasnik, Jeanine Samples, Betty Robinson, Jim Miller, Marlene Potasnik, Sandra Claybrook, Eloise Boggs and Jerry Stover.
President Jerry Stover called the meeting to order. The minutes of the September meeting were approved as printed in the local newspapers. Jim gave the treasurer’s report.
1. Extra copies of Now & Then issues: these will be available for sale, but further discussion on this topic was tabled.
2. Specific projects which need to be done: (a) organization of the Tressie Bailes material; (b) inventory of library and vertical files; ( c) inventory of materials in the basement of the old courthouse.
3. Using social media and our website to distribute information: (a) lists and photos of former sheriffs and other county officials; (b) updating our website and creating links within the website – How can this be done?
4. Swandale materials gathered by John Jeffers, many photos and information on internet. How can the Society use this material?
5. Our thanks to those who have contributed to the Society in donations of money, books, etc. David Pritt has donated a publication of Widen High School, “The Lantern” May 1932, an issue of Hickory & Ladyslippers on Widen, Widen High School yearbooks, “The Buffalo,” for 1932 and 1933, and a Clay County High School yearbook, “Tiskelwah,” for 1941. .
6. Bulk mailing (our newsletter) was briefly discussed, but the complicated computer procedure recently installed by the UPS still eludes our mastery of the process.
7. Assignment of specific jobs, for example, keeping a copy of the Clay County Free Press for our files and keeping a copy of the meeting minutes as published in the Free Press. Eloise reported that it had been a practice of the secretary to keep a copy of the original minutes and the newspaper copy in a 3-ring binder. There was a lapse in this practice after the former secretary, Kathy, passed away. However, such a binder was prepared recently for the auditors, dating from July, 2012 to the present. Eloise further stated that it seemed logical that the current recorder of the minutes would be the one to continue this method of their preservation. (Will do!)
8. Change in meeting time (from Wednesday to a different day) so that Karen Burdette might be free to attend. It was decided that the November meeting will be held on Tuesday, November 3. This will be our last regularly scheduled meeting of the year. Betty will notify Karen.
9. The Apple Festival: we had good representation but fewer visitors than last year. It was suggested that we have “flashier” displays and that planning for our part in the festival begin in earlier meetings.