It has been said that there are three kinds of people in the world – the wills, the wonts, and the cants. The first can accomplish anything, the second oppose everything, and the third fail in everything. Never is this phrase more put to the test than during a tragedy such as a flood that ravishes your town and upsets daily life. There are, however, those that go beyond their daily routine to purpose their lives into helping others, that their success provides opportunity for others to succeed after a tragedy. Some of those men and women came to the aid of the football teams of CCHS, Herbert Hoover High School Elkview Middle, Richwood High School and Richwood Middle School. On Wednesday, July 16, in the CCHS gym three WV natives who have went on to be successful coaches in Florida and Alabama came back to their roots to give back to those in need. Jimbo Fisher, head coach of Florida State, Assistant Head Coach of Florida State Rick Tricket and Alabama defensive coordinator Coach Pendry came to assure the teams in attendance that they would be playing football again this season. Through their efforts, high schools from Florida and Alabama as well as other schools from across the country will be donating uniforms so that their schools will be able to take the field this season. Alabama Head Coach Nick Saban could not attend because of meetings he had to attend. Each coach gave pep talks that not only boosted the hopes of the players but the parents and people of the towns represented. This will bring a sense of normalcy to the lives of young athletes who have lost it all in the flood. For these coaches to come back in a time of need like these men have says a lot about the nature and character of a true West Virginian. The uniforms will be distributed through the WVSSAC and the National Guard.
We are fortunate to have people from this state who look at success as not how much they make or the status they attain but in using their accomplishments to do for others, not just changing the lives of their players to be better men but changing the lives of those whose hopes were hanging by a thread. My hat is off to these men and to Senators Doug Facemire and Mike Romano whose efforts in this time of necessity don’t go unnoticed. Gail Manchin, standing in for United States Senator Joe Manchin, spoke of the integrity of WV people and it is that which makes WV what it is and why it will rebuild better than before. Representatives from each school got the chance to thank the coaches personally, and at the end of the event the players from the schools got a chance to meet the coaches for a hand shake and one last assurance that football will be alive and well this coming season. The generations that follow us from here on out will learn what the meaning of character, sacrifice and integrity is all about from the men and women who will rebuild this town from the inside out. Each of us is bound in the circle that we inhabit to make sure that there is a constant flow of good so that the actions from that good change the world we live in to make it a better place. Thanks once again to those who can take control and change the fate of people and are glad to do it.