Dwana Osborne Murphy has been chosen for January Person of the Month because of her passion to help our community’s youngest and oldest members. When Dwana is made aware of someone in need in the county, her standard comment is, “I’m on it!” She can often be found collecting warm clothing or Christmas gifts for Clay County’s children in need.
As well as the young, Dwana also has a heart for the elderly citizens in our community. She always has a smile and time for a chat. She often visits and takes meals to older friends and neighbors.
Dwana takes pride in our town and county and is very helpful to groups in the community who are working to make our community a better place to live. When local sport teams advance to the state tournaments, Dwana makes certain they have a proper send off by making sure the town is decorated to show support. She also oversees the Christmas tree decorating on Courthouse Square in December.
In her free time, Dwana enjoys spending time with her family and friends and she is undeniably a favorite aunt to her nephews and nieces!
Thank you Dwana for your commitment to our county! We are proud to call you our friend and neighbor!