The Clay Town Council’s monthly meeting for November was held on Tuesday November 3rd at the water department. There was an update given by E.L. Robinson, engineer, on the Blue Knob Project and there’s not much left to be completed before it is a fund-able project that’s ready to go. The ad that had to be published in the paper was sent to RUS, (Royal Utilities Service) that coincides with the USDA and the process will go from there. There was also advice given to go ahead and start trying to get approval for a Blue Knob Extension that would go from the tank in Blue Knob down over the hill into Elkhurst. A motion was made and approved to hire an engineer to look at the extension from Blue Knob. The council then moved to executive session to discuss town finances, water, sewer and some budget cuts. When the meeting returned to public session, A motion was made and approved for Amy Legg or Tina Goode to be able to sign checks if others are not available to do so. The next meeting will be December 1, 2015 at the Water Plant on Main Street at 5:00pm.