Last fall, the West Virginia Department of Agriculture established an Agriculture Day Poster Contest designed to showcase the talents and creativity of elementary students who are passionate about agriculture and strive to promote a healthy planet. The contest was open to all student in grades 1 through 5 in every elementary school throughout the state.
The theme of this poster contest was: Agriculture: Stewards of a Healthy Planet. Students in Mr. Cory Stricker’s fifth grade science class accepted this challenge and submitted their visions of how a steward of a healthy planet should be represented. The judging for the contest was conducted by the West Virginia Department of Agriculture along with experts in the agriculture industry.
Three students from Mr. Stricker’s fifth grade class swept the podium with Ariana McClain receiving third place, Christeena Craddock receiving second place, and Meghan Brady receiving first place honors. All three posters were on display at the state capital on Agriculture Day, January 20, 2016. Grand Champion Meghan Brady was honored that day with an award from Commissioner of Agriculture, Walt Helmick, and her winning poster will be on display throughout the state.
Congratulations Clay Elementary!