Members of the Clay County Landmarks Commission and Historical Society met on Wednesday, May 9, in the Clay County Library. Present were Jerry Stover, Quincy Potasnik, Sandra Claybrook, Jeanine Samples, Lenora Pettit, Marlene Potasnik, Eloise Boggs and Danny Dawson.
President Jerry Stover called the meeting to order. The minutes of the April meeting were read and approved with one correction: When the Braxton Histrorical Society closed, the genealogical records went to the Gassaway library and the journals of the Braxton Society went to the Sutton Library.
Sandra gave the treasurer’s report.
- A representative of the Cultural Center called, expressing interest in the Golden Delicious Apple Festival and in the original tree and the surrounding area. He is considering creating an exhibit. We will review the written material we have about the original tree and will make an inquiry as to whether anything concerning the original tree and its surroundings are still in existence. Meanwhile, we will look into the proper name for the Clay County Festival honoring the Golden Delicious apple which originated in our county.
- Mabel Purcell has sent us a disc containing the song about the Golden Delicious apple.
- Sandra distributed a list of contact persons for the Historical Society – giving names, addresses, phone numbers, e-mail addresses. This will be put on our web page and will be published in the next newsletter.
- Jeanine presented a copy of a revision of our membership application form, and a discussion followed, mainly consideration the annual publication of our membership list, with surnames being researched by members. Further review and discussion will be necessary.
- The web page is “up and running.” We appreciate Danny for his technical expertise in getting and keeping this going. Our Website:
The next meeting will be held Wednesday, June 13, 2018 at 1 p.m. in the Clay County Library. (Pushed back one week because of the June 6 CCHS Alumni Luncheon at noon at Hardings Family Restaurant at Mink Shoals, CCHS Alumni, please, call Christine Beaver at 304-343-1460 and tell her you’ll be there.)