Clay County Commission met on June 8, 2016 for a regularly scheduled meeting. During the meeting, there was discussion brought up by Mr. James Duffield on the cleanup and upkeep of the rivers here in Clay County. He suggested that the river banks be cleared of brush and things such as river accesses be maintained. County Commission said they would look into it.
With the approval of the previous meeting minutes, the meeting proceeded with the action items on the agenda. A motion was made to probate the Last Will and Testament of Erma Radie McCune and the appointment of Boyd Wayne McCune, Executor and probating the Last Will and Testament of Willie B. Taylor and the appointment of Retha Taylor, Executrix. Both motions passed. A motion to approve the request of waiver of final settlement for the estate of Robin Dale Brown, deceased was approved. Tasha Adkins was approved as a temporary part-time, as needed EMT-B with no benefits for Clay Ambulance Service. Tasha’s employment will be effective June 8, 2016. Her background check and drug screening came back successful. Her rate of pay will be $9.75 per hour. Holly Stewart was approved for hire as part-time, as needed dispatcher for the Clay County E911 Communications Center effective June 8, 2016 pending successful completion of a background check and drug screening test. Her rate of pay will be $10.00 per hour.
A motion was then made to terminate the following individuals as part-time employees with the Clay County Ambulance Service due to being inactive: Regina Boggs, Tina Ferrebee, Jennifer McKitrick, Samuel Snyder, Robert Taylor and Sonya Williams. David Walker was approved as a member of Clay-Roane Public Service District Board for an unexpired term ending October 1, 2021. The meeting was then adjourned until the next scheduled meeting on June 22, 2016.
Before the regular county commission meeting was held, there was a public meeting held to receive public comments for a proposed project which consists of purchasing a new 4-Wheel Drive Ambulance. The County Commission has applied for a USDA Rural Housing Service federal assistance grant. There is not exact amount known just yet for the grant or the cost of the ambulance. The 4-wheel drive ambulance that is currently in use was used when purchased. There were no attendees, and no action was taken.