Our first annual Roll & Read was a big hit with the children and their families. We would like to thank all of our vendors- AmeriCorps (Debbie Tanner), WIC (Connie Posey), Health Dept. (Lynn Samples), Adolescent Health (Margo Friend), Clay Health Center (Michelle Cutshaw),Big Otter Fire Dept. (Steve Carter & Becky Barss), UniCare (Emma Rexroad), and Jody Stutler& Lightening McQueen and our special guests- Super Why Characters and Elmo.
We would especially like to thank UniCare for sponsoring the books we were able to give to all the children. We would also like to thank our volunteers, Dylan Vaughan, Breanna Vaughan, Sharina Ratliff, Ronee Nottingham, Gracie Truman, IsacDulaney, Rielly Taylor and Dalton Sizemore.
The event was held at the Big Otter Elementary School (Thanks to Anthony Boggs and Joe Paxton for allowing us to use the property) and was free to all Clay and Braxton County families with children from birth to five years old (and siblings).