The Board of Education met on Monday March 7 for their regular bimonthly board meeting, this was the first for the month of March. The board approved a proposed Levy Order for the 2016-2017 school year; the contract for Mr. Kenneth Tanner as Superintendent of Clay County Schools beginning 2016-2017 school year, a 3 year contract; the transfer/reassignment of Jamie McDonough from Multi-disabilities teacher at Clay Elementary to P.E. Pre K – 5 teacher at Clay Elementary. The position was formerly held by Elizabeth Taylor; the transfer/reassignment of Lindsay Dunlap from Multi Categorical Alternative Teacher at Clay Elementary to 1st grade teacher at Clay Elementary, Rachel Schoolcraft’s former position; the employment of Tammy Bailey as Multi-Categorical Alternative learning Center teacher at Clay Elementary, pending certification, Lindsay Dunlap’s former position; the employment of Julia Wolf as Guidance Counselor at Clay Elementary, new position, alternative education pilot project. Also approved were the employment of Angela Walker as Multiple Disabilities resource room teacher at Clay Elementary; the employment of James Edwards as Bus Operator for bus #74, effective for the 2016-2017 school year; the resignation of Damon Grose as Assistant Football coach at Clay High and the resignation of Eric Cole as assistant football coach at Clay High and assistant girls basketball coach at Clay Middle. The board then approved the out of state travel of Amanda Shelton, Connie Kinder, April Kearns, Brittany McGowan and Michael Shamblin to attend the National Community School Forum in Albuquerque, NM, April 6, 7, 8, 2016; approved the out of state travel for the 5th grade class at H.E. White Elementary School to Nauticus, Battleship Wisconsin and Virginia Beach May 13, 14, 15, 2016. Approval was given to the out of state travel for the Clay County High School FFA members to compete in the National Land Homesite Judging that will take place in Oklahoma City, OK on April 28, 2016-May 6, 2016 and expenses in the amount of $1,566.90; the out of county/overnight trip for both Clay Middle and Clay High school TSA Students and chaperones to attend the State Conference at Cedar Lakes, March 31, 2016 – April 2, 2016. Andrea Cruickshanks was approved for resignation as handyman for Clay County Schools, effective immediately. The next school board meeting will be held at Clay County Middle School on Monday March 21 at 6:00PM.