Winter weather swept through the state Thursday night causing temperatures to plummet as snow fell, generating treacherous road conditions. Winter weather advisories were issued as the storm front moved into the area. With temperatures in the low teens, the 3-4” snowfall made travel difficult. Due to the icy conditions many area schools, including Clay County, were closed on Friday. The main roads throughout the area were slushy but untouched secondary roads were impassible. During harsh winter weather, people are reminded to limit exposure to the elements for both themselves and their pets. Travel should be minimized but if necessary to leave your home, be sure to carry an emergency kit in your car as well. Homes should also be prepared with a winter emergency kit containing rock salt, snow shovels, adequate clothing and blankets and sufficient heating fuel. Stay alert of changing weather conditions by listening to the television, radio or internet. In the case of an emergency, dial 911.