By Shanna Paige
On October 16th another community meeting was held at Clay County High School with around thirty people in attendance. Roger Hanshaw began the meeting reviewing the topics from the previous meeting, which was held in September. Drug/ Crime, Youth/Education, Infrastructure, Business/Economy, and Beautification were the main topics.
Action has been taken on a few of the items. Information was gathered on how to get AA/NA meetings started from a member of the audience. Neighborhood watch is being worked out with information being gathered to do so. Inquiries were made to the assessor’s office for taxing of junk cars and the matter will be taken to the County Commission.
The meeting broke into groups for approximately thirty minutes with the goal being to produce a list of possible actions to improve our community. The main topic of discussion was drugs and crime. To fight the problem the group decided to first check with the schools to see what anti –drug programs are already in place. If there is no anti-drug program, one will be created. Next on the list was to advise people of the tip line wvstatepolice.gov. This is the site where people can leave tips and information about crimes they are aware of and do so anonymously.
Youth/Education was the next discussion for improving our community. Steps will be taken to identify facilities in each section of the county for the youth to gather for recreational purposes. Also starting Cub Scout troops in most parts of the community would be ideal with churches, schools and other public facilities possibly hosting the scout troops.
Business/Economy discussion focused on the need to set up a web based advertising to sell local products. The beautification committee suggested getting cameras to catch people dumping, pursuing taxing on junk cars, getting flower baskets for the town, seeing if businesses will donate for the flower baskets, and talk to the magistrates about prosecuting litter violators.
The meeting ended shortly after on a positive note. The next meeting will be held on November 13th at 6:30pm in the Clay High School cafeteria.