By Erica Kearns
The Clay County Board of Education met on Tuesday at the administrative office in Clay for the scheduled bi-monthly meeting. The agenda was voted on and approved, followed by minutes from the previous meeting, and the payment of current bills. Kevin Isaacs then gave a financial update.
Action items on the agenda came next. Tara Slater was hired as a speech pathologist for the 2013-2014 school year. The hiring of a speech pathologist will reduce the need of a private contract, which will potentially save the county money. Jennifer Johnson, upon college approval, will become a teacher in residence at Lizemores Elementary in the 2nd grade classroom.
Tiffany Norton transferred from after school cook to substitute cook at Clay High. Paula Cruikshank was approved as a substitute cook at Clay County High School. James Simmons transferred from bus #47 to bus #57. Randy Holcomb was authorized as a driver for bus #47, pending fulfilling two weeks of employment with his current employer. Richard Talbot, Greg Legg and Tony Salisbury were affirmed as activity bus drivers for the 2013-2014 school year.
Bus drivers will be provided uniforms at a rate of $175.00 per driver, which is 95% of the cost reimbursed for each person. The board approved bus transportation for students to and from Dulles Airport in Washington DC that are traveling to France in November. James Bennett, Beverly Roop and Felicia Cruickshanks were hired as service personnel, pending successful background checks. Bids were opened for the Darnell Hollow contract bus run, with the lowest bid going to Kathy Boggs.
Robert Runion was honored for his thirty two years of service with Clay County Schools. Robert was appreciative of the opportunities and experiences over the years, saying that he will truly miss the children.
The next scheduled Board of Education meeting is scheduled for Monday, September 16 at 6:00 pm.