Clay County High School is the proud home of the CCHS Panthers. In a world where teenagers are often judged with a negative lens, our Panthers continue to defy this stereotype. The past two months, our Panthers have quietly worked to serve our community without any expectation of recognition.
During the months of November and December, our We Care Club, TSA, and FFA worked to prepare over 125 food boxes for families in Clay County. We Care hosted an Angel Tree that served 100 children in Clay to make sure they had Christmas gifts. Many Panthers adopted children themselves, as well as helped to wrap gifts for little ones in our community.
A group of young ladies recently visited CAMC Womens and Childrens Hospital to visit critically ill children. Our Panthers dressed up as princesses and handed out stuffed animals and read to little ones. Our Panther Princesses handed out of 50 stuffed animals and brought smiles to the faces of children who are facing life threatening illnesses. This project was planned 100% by Panthers.
Activities such as this are only possible when teachers and parents are willing to support the activities of Panthers. Thanks to all those who supported our Panthers as they serve the community by serving others.