Well, the CCHS Panthers sure know how to get the adrenalin flowing in a football game. If you were there Friday night, you know what I mean. With bad weather looming, the Panthers took the field against the Pirates of Fayetteville. The game went well for the Panthers with Zach Ahart and Stephen Cole both notching a touchdown in their pistol grip. The extra point was good on one and blocked on the other to make the score 13-0 Panthers. The defense, well, what can you say? They are tough and get the job done. They held the Pirates to a goose egg till late in the fourth quarter. The Pirate defense got to work as well, holding the Panthers back. Key mistakes, seemingly bad calls, and good calls – they are in every game, but in the end it is who has the most heart when the buzzer sounds. With roughly 14 seconds left in the game, the Pirates had racked up 12 points and were pushing to either win the game with a two point conversion or tie it up. They went for the tie, and with just seconds to spare, Robert Pritt and Cody Lockhart combined on a block and dashed the hopes of the Pirates. It was a great game, and with this week off, the boys will have time to heal up before the next tough games against Sissonville and Ravenswood. Congratulations Panthers on your Homecoming win! The CCMS Mustangs also won over Vinson this week and will be having their Homecoming game this Thursday at Bradley Field. Come out and show your Blue and Gold spirit.