You may have recently noticed a new driver behind the wheel of a Clay County Sheriff’s Department cruiser or seen a new face in the halls of the courthouse; that’s Kyle Ware. The 22 year old young man is the newest addition to the Clay County Sheriff’s Department. Serving as Unit 3, Deputy Ware has been on the job since December 30 and is doing much of his training with Sgt. Robert Belt. Performing basic law enforcement duties, Deputy Ware is getting ample experience in answering 911 calls, performing traffic stops and fulfilling courtroom duty.
Although Deputy Ware will be on a one year probationary period, during which he must attend the police academy, his previous and current career experiences will be very beneficial in his success. Completing basic training at the age of 17, Ware has been active with the Army National Guard for the past five years, serving as a military police. The 2011 Clay High graduate has also worked as a prison guard at both South Central and Tygart Valley regional jails.
When asked what his goals were as a member of the sheriff’s department, Deputy Ware said “I want to work hard, do my job and make Clay a safer, better place.” The enthusiasm and dedication of this young officer should prove very valuable in his service to the community.