NOTE: this is a fake accident/murder scene for a project; no one was actually harmed in this project!
Press Release
The sad occurrence of Mrs. Melinda Isaacs’s recent passing has crippled our school system and our community. For weeks, our small county has been in the fog in terms of understanding the horrific murder of Mrs. Isaacs. After Extensive, cooperative efforts of our crime scene investigation crew, we have reached a surprising, disappointing verdict. As a whole, our team of well-rounded investigators can confirm that we believe we know who murdered Mrs. Isaacs.
The inhumane murder carried out by the perpetrator took place in a conference room in Clay County High School, also known as the student lounge, between 11:00 PM on the evening of Friday, January 8th and 1:00 AM early Saturday morning. Mrs. Isaacs was found by a janitor, Jesse Runion, on the morning of January 11th at approximately 5:00 AM. She had received several 90 degree blows to the back of her head.
After examining the wounds inflicted on Mrs. Isaacs, we have concluded that the missing Math Field Day Trophy was used in the killing of Mrs. Isaacs. The dimensions of the wound align perfectly with the base of the trophy.
The town of Clay has ensured us that it is in their best interest to keep us safe and to exert all their efforts to make sure this never happens again. I encourage each individual citizen of Clay to distance themselves from greed and jealousy to prevent senseless actions to strike our community again. Thank you.

The AC 2 class at Clay County High School taught by Mrs. Julie Greenlee has been going over and learning the steps in forensic science/murder investigation. The AC 2 class is a class to help the students examine real life jobs and what they have to do in those jobs. The Mock Murder project has just been one of many they have been working on, with the assistance of WV State Trooper Scott Bass and retired WV State Trooper Mr. Greenlee, as well as many other staff at Clay County High School and people in the community.
Back in January, the crime scene was set up and the students had to go in, investigate, measure, take photos, analyze the crime scene and take down as many notes as possible. Everything was fake, but looked as real as possible with fake materials. There were ‘blood’ splatters on the wall which consisted of red food coloring and water. There were the victim’s glasses, keys, phone, etc. in the floor beside of the ‘dead’ body. The victim received blunt force trauma to the back of the cranium with a 1st place math field day trophy being used as the weapon. The incident happened on the night of Friday, January 8 and was not reported until the following Monday, January 11th. Remember, this is a fake accident/murder scene for a project; no one was actually harmed in this project!
After the accident was called in, the students, broken down into different groups to investigate the crime scene. Each group got the chance to go in, take measurements, and look over every detail of the crime scene they felt would help them throughout their investigation and preparing their final presentation. Photos were taken, details were written down, clues were found in cracks and on the ceiling and on the floor. After each group got to investigate the crime scene, the hard work began. The students had to test the soil samples they found, do finger print testing, do blood testing and see the different types of blood, they also visited Bowen Dental in Clay to look at Dental X-Rays and understand how to read those to be able to find clues. The students then had to put all of their findings together and prepare a press release as if this was a real murder investigation and they were really forensic science teams. The students then presented their findings to the class and what they learned about the class and how real life jobs take a lot of work and knowledge. They learned that everything they are learning now in high school will prepare them for learning more in college and if they have to go to special schooling for furthering their education in the career of their choice. This project was a well-planned project and it took a lot of hard work and dedication from not only the students for their grade, but from the staff and advisers in the project that helped the students understand certain steps they learned that has to be taken in a job like this. The students done an excellent job on their projects and their presentations! Good Job AC 2 Class!!!

Please remember this was a fake crime scene and no one was harmed in the recreation of the crime scene or any of the steps during the project process