It’s been two years since the night the innocence was taken from our small town. It’s been two years since the night the unbelievable happened. It’s been two years since the night two heroes lives were taken. On August 28, 2012 Corporal Marshall Bailey and Trooper Eric Workman were senselessly shot by a criminal, a coward, a person who saw no other way out after being arrested for driving under the influence. Shot from the back seat of his own cruiser, Marshall Bailey died instantly of his wounds. Critically injured, Eric Workman held onto life for three days before succumbing to his own injuries. We lost together, we cried together, and now we remember together.
For seven days, from the tragic night of August 28 until the day we said our last goodbyes on September 5, candles will burn in honor of our two fallen heroes. The Park and Ride at Wallback has served as a memorial for our fallen troopers for two years. Now, each year at the time of this fateful anniversary, candles burn bright among the flowers, photos and signs. When you pass by the memorial and see a little flicker of light, count your blessings and remember the two special men we lost. Let this time be special in our hearts and minds and let the families and fellow officers be in our thoughts and prayers.