Joining the adjacent counties of the 33rd District, representatives from Clay County traveled to the state capital on Friday to highlight the best of our little hometown. Orchestrated largely by the “What’s Next, Clay County?” group and Delegate Roger Hanshaw, nearly twenty individuals, organizations and businesses set up booths for visitors and guests to educate themselves on the wonderment of Clay County. Participants included the Business Development Authority/ Elk River Fest, JG Bradley Campground, Appalachia HOME Program, CAEZ business coach Sam Payne, RESA 3, WV National Guard, WV State University Agriculture Department, WV Department of Agriculture, Meadow Branch Farms, Buffalo Creek Watershed, Frontier, Solomon’s Secret, Clay Health Department, Clay County Quilt Group, CAEZ, Clay County Parks and Recreation, 4-H, and Clay County Services Unlimited.
The success and talent of our youth was also emphasized during the event. The Clay High Steel Drum Band, under the direction of Jeff Nestor, filled the rotunda with the beautiful sounds of music as individuals made their way throughout the building. The state champion Clay High “We the People” team, under guidance of Phil Dobbins, received a Legislative Citation on the House Floor in recognition of their academic success and constitutional knowledge.
Local officials as well as state representatives of the county were also on hand for the event. County Commission President Greg Fitzwater and Town Council member Josh Shamblin represented the county on a local level, Delegate Hanshaw, Delegate Kessinger, and Delegate Fast represented their district and Senator Ramono was also in attendance. Baskets containing an assortment of Clay County goodies were presented to the elected officials and included items from Deb’s Creative Cakes, Ordinary Evelyn’s, Plain Jane’s, Blue Knob Honey Farm, Clay County Quilt Group, Solomon’s Secret, Clay County Business Development Authority, CAEZ, and the Clay County Free Press.
This was a wonderful opportunity for Clay County to showcase everything we have to offer to the state of West Virginia and we were very well represented. It was wonderful to see such participation and support when this little town of 9,000 traveled to the capital city. We certainly made a great impression.