By Erica Kearns
Due to a scheduling conflict, August’s first county commission meeting was held on Tuesday, August 12. With all three commissioners present, the meeting began promptly at 10:00 am. Connie Lepardus appeared to discuss issues with three homes controlled by Clay Mountain Housing. The homes were built and sold to low income families on a rent to own type contract some years ago. Two of the houses are in need of new deeds but upon investigation Lepardus discovered that the property had initially been deeded to the County Commission, which was incorrect. The group agreed that the property belonged to Clay Mountain Housing and the deeds will be adjusted as necessary.
Action items on the agenda moved along quickly and included approval of minutes, bills, purchase orders, assessments and settlements of several estates. Karri Cunningham and Sam Snyder were approved for hire as EMT-Ps for Clay County Emergency Ambulance Service at a $10.50 per hour rate of pay. Having two more Paramedics in the county will increase the quality and ability of the ambulances they board.
The meeting adjourned shortly after the agenda was completed. The next scheduled Clay County Commission meeting is Wednesday, August 27 at 10:00 am.