The Clay County Commission gathered for the first time in November this past Wednesday. The protracted agenda covered a large variety of topics and began with the approval of minutes, bills, purchase orders and budget revisions. Nine items of estate business immediately followed and were given the go-ahead with no discussion. Greg Legg resigned as a board member of the Clay County Housing Authority, Arlene Tucker was reappointed to the E911 Advisory board and Stacy King was nominated to fill another empty spot on the same board. The job description for Tina Richards, the new Clay County E911 Communications deputy director, was finalized by the group.
Stephen Campbell & Associates will be the service and maintenance contractor for the Clay County E911 Communication Center’s recording equipment for the year 2015 and will receive $1,800 in lieu of their work. Chad Sizemore was hired as a part-time deputy for the Clay Sheriff’s Department for a temporary term of ninety days. Heath Cliver was also hired as a temporary part-time as-needed ambulance driver.
Ronald Nottingham appeared before the group to ask for help with an incident that happened last year in the northern tip of the county. According to Nottingham, the landowners of the farm where Nottingham’s horses were kept allowed his horses to eat large amounts of corn, which in turn caused the animals to die. As devastating as this was to the gentleman, he was even more downtrodden when law enforcement refused to assist him in pressing charges against the persons responsible. Nottingham accused Sheriff Samples of protecting one of his friends instead of upholding the law. Nottingham came to the commission to ask for help with the situation. Commissioner Linkinoggor asserted that the group had no control over the Sheriff and advised Nottingham to possibly pursue the issue as a civil matter in magistrate court. It was also suggested that he seek the advice of legal counsel.
The board of review and equalization for 2015 taxes will meet on January 30, 2015 at 10:00 am, February 3, 2015 at 10:00 am, February 6, 2015 at 9:00 am (Mineral Day), February 11, 2015 at 1:00 pm and February 17, 2015 at 10:00 am. The next county commission meeting will be held on Wednesday, November 26 at 10:00 am.