The Clay County Commission met in regular session on Wednesday, April 13, 2016. The regular agenda items, such as approving the previous meeting minutes, approving the bills and purchase orders, approve the erroneous assessments, refunds of erroneous assessments and real estate division were approved. The commission then moved to approve the appointment of Deborah L. Taylor, Administratrix of the estate of Linard Burdette, aka Leonard Burdette, deceased. A motion to approve the request of waiver of final settlement for the estates of Noel C. Smith and Kermit Smith Hughes, deceased were approved. The motion to approve Duane Taylor’s resignation as a dispatcher for Clay County E911 Center, effective March 24, 2016 was approved, and a motion to hire Donna Llyn Drake as a temporary part-time, as needed dispatcher for Clay Communications Center effective April 13, 2016 at the rate of $10.00 per hour, was approved. Donna’s employment will be pending on the completion of a successful drug screening and background check.
The commission then proceeded with the meeting by designating polling places for the May 10, 2016 Primary Election. You may contact the County Clerk’s office for more information on your polling location. A maintenance agreement for Savin C9020 located in the Sheriff’s office in the amount of $630.42, beginning on March 24, 2016 thru March 23, 2017 was approved. The motion to revise the Clay County Commission’s Personnel Handbook to read: Beginning April 13, 2016, only single plan Insurance will be provided to full-time new employees and elected officials. The motion to approve Resolution No. 9 authorizing payment of invoices relating to design, construction and other services for the Pack Fork and Independence Road water line extension project was approved. The county commission meeting then adjourned and the next meeting will be held on Wednesday, April 27, 2016 at 10:00am in the County Commission room in the courthouse.