Maysel Park was buzzing this past Friday afternoon with football action. It was the First Annual Ron Sirk Memorial Football Camp.
It was sunny and hot as 26 youth, grades 3-8, came out to hone their skills in seven different stages. Clay’s finest coaches, along with some high school football players, dedicated their time to these kids so that football will be alive and well in this community for generations to come.
This event was held to give each participant an opportunity to learn some of the finer points of the game so that when they hit the field this summer they will be ready to play. Each youth took their turn in the blocking, passing and catching, snapping, footwork, handoffs, tackling, and kicking stages. There weren’t as many youth there as was anticipated, but the hope is that word will get out and it will get bigger each year.
Hats are off to all those involved in getting this camp going.