Most season openers were cancelled due to winter keeping an icy grip on the fields this past week. Hopefully, this week will be a little different, and all the teams will get opportunity to play.
It was the season opener for the CCHS Panther baseball team this past Thursday as a nice enough day was available with the Sherman Tide first on the list. This is always a good game to open the season with, both teams come in unwilling to lose and pretty equally matched. The Panthers were the first to swing the bats and get the bugs worked out. The Panthers had no problems scoring some runs in the first inning as Sherman struggled with early season jitters on the field.

When the Panthers took the field, it was Matt Boggs up first on the hill to start the season. With his cannon loaded, Boggs went to work. Sherman scattered a couple of hits, reached the bases due to a couple of throwing errors and put a pair of runs on the board in the first. After that spurt of runs, Boggs settled in and Sherman’s run at taking the lead came to a halt. Levi Hosey came in to relieve Boggs, and Sherman made another run for the fences and scored another three runs. It wasn’t enough for Sherman, though, as the Panthers pulled out the whipping sticks and finished the game with seven runs. The final score was Panthers 7, Sherman 5.

It was a good game for the first one of the year and the coaches had a chance to see the bugs under fire and can work those out for the next game. Colton Moore went 3-4. Zach Wynn, Thomas Haverty, Jack Edwards and Corey Elswick went 2-4. Matt Boggs went 2-3. The Panthers will hit the field at home Monday night against the Grizzlies of Nicholas County. Make sure you get a schedule and get to a few games; this season looks to be a good one.