Wallback Lake was the scene of a major fishing derby this past Saturday.

The derby this year was helping to promote gold week, as a few golden trout were released for the event. If a golden trout was caught then that youth would receive a host of prizes. Youth from all over came to try and catch their limit of trout and for a chance at a host of great prizes. It was a chilly morning as the fishing got underway with over 200 participating. Future fishermen chose wisely as there were lots of prizes to be handed out. As a matter of fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if there weren’t a few parents that hoped their child would pick a prize they would be willing to share. It was all great fun for the kids, as well as fun for the parents and others involved. Tons of work went into the event, and a standing ovation goes out to Connie Sizemore. Without her diligence and love for the youth of this county and others, this great event would, as other good things do, go in the toilet.

Connie, of course, didn’t do it alone, the help from many volunteers assured the success of the event. There were those who did traffic control, prize givers, donators, those who handed out the refreshments, those that helped with getting the trout onto the banks and last, but certainly not the least, Jack Sizemore, the official round starter who with a mighty swing and rattle of the sacred cowbell started the event in motion. Plain and simple, it is good to see that there are still people in this county that care enough to get the youth involved in something other than a TV. There are many who donated items for prizes that need to have a pat on the back as well; when the little fisherman grabbed a new fishing pole or perhaps a new tackle box and their eyes and smiles lit up the day, it was all worth it, enough said. After all that’s what it was all about. Once again thanks to those involved for yet another successful derby.