By Allen Hamrick
This weekend was the final hoorah of the season for the Mustang wrestling program as they participated in the Mona Lisa of wrestling tournaments, the CWVAC Championship. This year the championship matches were held at Spencer Middle School with several schools competing for bragging rights. The Mustangs have been in the hunt all season in tournaments held throughout the area and have only gotten better and better. This tournament would pit all of the finest middle school programs in the region and all those wrestlers at the top of the food chain in their respective weight classes.
The Mustangs were unexpectedly down wrestlers compared to all the other teams but what they had was good. It would be like putting smoke in your pocket for the Mustangs to get the team title, but individually they had a good chance at being champs. It was a dramatic finish to say the least.

At 94 pounds, Caiden Bryant took home the top honors in his weight bracket by capturing the championship. Andrew Tanner at 110 pounds wrestled some of the toughest opponents and brought home the 4th place title. Pierce Adkins wrestled his way to the championship at 145 pounds and bought home the first place title. Matthew Neely got to the championship round and took home second place in the 155 pound weight class and Chaun Sattler took 2nd in the 215 lb class. Kaleb Keen at 171 pounds took home 4th place, as well.
As a team, the Mustangs brought home the 7th place title; still not bad considering the wrestler ratio of the teams there. This has been a great season for the Mustangs. They once again and have set the bar high for any team to follow them from this point on. They are a powerhouse and the ones to beat at wrestling meets. Most will move on to the high school and will no doubt make the Panther team a force to reckon with. Congratulations to the coaches and wrestlers on a great season.