The Mustang baseball team was on the road this week in Beckley to take on a tough Beckley Christian team. The boys had a slow start as they couldn’t seem to get the bats cracking, and Beckley Christian racked up five runs before the Mustang team managed to get on the boards with one run. Beckley Christian has come a long way since last year and put a good ball team on the field. The Mustangs struggled against some good pitching, but in true Mustang fashion, the boys don’t give up that easy. In the final inning and their last at bat along with a brief pep talk, the big sticks came out. The boys started scattering the hits and when the dust settled scored a whopping eight runs to defeat Beckley Christian 9-6. It was a great game that shows that Mustang baseball never gives up and play 100 percent until the last out. They went on to defeat Cross Lanes later on that week.
The boys will have their final game of the season on Monday night against Spencer Middle School. By the time this writing comes out their season will be a memory, but it will go down as a great one. Once again they had a winning season, and each player on the team has played a part in their success. Also deserving a pat on the back is head Coach Frank Kleman along with Assistant Coach Jeffrey Krauklis. These coaches led this team to be the best they could be and instilled in them a desire to win and to be focused.