In observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. day, the second Clay County Board of Education meeting of January was rescheduled for Tuesday, January 20. Held at Clay Elementary, the meeting convened at 6:00 pm. The meeting began with the approval of the agenda as well as minutes from the previous meeting. Action items quickly moved to personnel issues and began with the transfer of Tiffany Norton from Cook II after school position to Cook II at Clay High. Pam Haynes was hired for the position of Cook II at H.E. White Elementary. Next came the resignation of two employees. The first was Beverly Roop’s voluntarily resignation as a substitute teacher from Clay County Schools. Next was the acceptance of Linda Workman’s retirement from her position as the cafeteria manager at Clay Elementary, effective June 30, 2015.
The Board of Education agreed to approval out of state travel for three board of education employees; April Kearns, Bev Nichols and Amanda Shelton will be traveling to New York to attend the National School Improvement Conferences. The threesome will be in attendance with regards to the H.E. White Community Schools Grant. All expenses for the trip will be paid by AFT/Community Schools.
The Board of Education members met with the Clay Elementary LSIC committee before adjourning for the evening.