By Shanna Paige
On Friday October 17th well known author Bill Sanders held an assembly in the local high school gymnasium. With the right calculations all the Clay County Middle School and Clay High Student were filed into the school. Grades 6-12 waited patiently as everyone was seated. CCHS Principal Mrs. Issacs stood and gave introductions for the motivational Bill Sanders. For well over 30 years Mr. Sanders has been touching the lives of those he comes in contact with. He has been featured in two Chicken Soup for the Soul series of books and has spoken to over 5 million students, parents, and educators.
Bill Sanders stood and addressed the youth on many very serious topics happening in our school systems and in everyone’s lives. Mr. Sanders spoke on kids enjoying their young lives without the expense of hurting others. Peer pressure and bullying is a big problem for many youth these days. The students sat respectfully, listening to what Mr. Sanders had to say.
Being yourself and following your dreams for the future is essential. Times are a lot harder than when we were kids. Drugs are more pronounced and the pressure is harder now than it was then. Change your life by setting a positive goal for your future and life in general. Show respect everywhere you go because you don’t know the impact you may have on the person next to you. Be willing to listen to those who are in need of a friend, you never know what is going on in their lives. These are just a few of the powerful things Mr. Sanders touched on. Bill commended the students on the respect he received with the show of their attention. He brought the assembly to a close with the reminder to be kind and considerate to others, “Ask people to tell you their story. And listen to what they say. You will help change someone’s life.”