The Clay County Landmarks Commission and Historical Society met in the Clay County Library, June 14, 2017. Present were Jerry Stover, Jeanine Samples, Sandra Claybrook, Jim Miller, Marlene Potasnik and Eloise Boggs.
President Jerry Stover called the meeting to order. Sandra gave the treasurer’s report. The minutes of the last meeting (April, 2017) were read and approved.
- Jerry stated the urgency of having officers for the Historical Society and stated the duties of each office. All duties are presently being fulfilled on a voluntary basis.
- Jerry suggested that we give honorary membership in the Society to Charles Ramsey, custodian at the Old Courthouse (OCH). This is in recognition for his work in organizing and sorting the mess of materials in the OCH basement and his overall excellent custodial work and helpfulness in the OCH. He is now “one of us.”
1.The OCH volunteers continue their one-day-per-week work (usually Tuesday, 9AM to 2PM), adjusting the schedule as needed. It was suggested that each volunteer write a report on the work they are doing and their accomplishments so far. Sandra submitted a written account (“The Joy of Volunteering”) of the work they have done and her personal gains and impressions from being a volunteer. Other volunteers are working on their reports.
- Now & Then:
* A few newsletters are being returned as “Unable to deliver” at a cost to us of 58 cents apiece. We have to assume that the addressee is no longer a member, so the name will be removed from our mailing list.
* Response to a query has been received. The query (and response) will be in the next Now & Then, but since it was included in the minutes of a recent meeting and printed in the local newspapers, we will include the response here. The query, submitted by Barbara Workman, asked about any Clay County serviceman killed at Pearl Harbor and about Seaman Cleo Evans of Glen who was killed in WW2. Ronnie Hamrick, WW2 Researcher, gave us the answers: “The only man from Clay County who was killed at Pearl Harbor was Pvt. Carey Stockwell who was in the Air Corps. Seaman 1st Class Cleo Evans was killed when the USS Juneau was sunk in November, 1942. He is listed on the Tables of the Missing at the Manila American Cemetery in Manila, Philippines.”
Election of officers: After a lengthy discussion on the duties of officers and the ongoing performance of these duties by members present, it was agreed that we make it official and accept the title for the office for which we perform the duties, to wit (at least temporarily): President, Jerry Stover; Vice President, Jim Miller; Treasurer, Sandra Claybrook, Secretary, Eloise Boggs
It should be noted here that all volunteers pitch in and help wherever help is needed.
A suggestion was made that we send a complimentary copy of the next issue of Now & Then to CCHS alumni who attended the alumni luncheon at Hardings Family Restaurant on June 7, 2017. We may recruit some new members
NEXT MEETING: Since our next regular meeting date falls on July 5, it was decided that we postpone the meeting to July 12, 2017, 1PM Clay Library.
Eloise Boggs, Recorder