The WV Fair Housing Network will supply free fair housing materials and free workshops for both staff members and clients of interested organizations, such as county health departments, veterans organizations, social service organizations and community groups.
Some workshops will describe how discrimination is defined under federal and state Fair Housing Acts, while other workshops will provide information about reasonable modifications and accommodations in fair housing and still others will provide what you might need to know about service animals.
The network will also provide free workshops and materials on landlord/tenant issues. Materials include a handbook, which contains legal citations, and fact sheets on various topics including landlord/tenant rights and responsibilities.
The network has a toll free number, 844-212-3464, that you can call to ask for more information about network services.
The network, which is under management of the Northern West Virginia Center for Independent Living (NWVCIL) in Morgantown, has grant funding from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to provide education and outreach about fair housing to organizations and individuals in West Virginia.
To receive free materials, schedule a visit, or to set up a free workshop at your site, please call 844-212-3464 or go to for more information.