The families of Ashleigh Cutler and Tyler Reedy are happy to announce their engagement and upcoming wedding.
Ashleigh is the daughter of Jason Cutler of Ivydale, WV, and Kristine LeSueur of Chesterfield, VA. She is a graduate of Clay County High School, class of 2012, and a recent graduate of Marshall University class of 2016. She received her bachelor’s degree in social work and is a case manager at Prestera Center for Mental Health in Clay, WV.
Tyler is the son of Richard and Traci Welch of Maysel, WV. He is a graduate of Clay County High School class of 2012. He received his Class II Waste Water Treatment Plant operators license from the Environmental Training Center. He is the current chief operator of the Waste Water Treatment Plant for the Town of Clay, but has accepted a job offer and will be leaving to pursue a career at Weyerhaeuser in Sutton, WV. Tyler is a member of the Clay Volunteer Fire Department.
The couple plan to marry on September 30, 2017, in Maysel, WV.