For many, Friday was a day they wished would have never come a year ago, especially with rain, high winds and storms coming on the one year anniversary from Tropical Storm Cindy. The 1,000 year flood came on June 23, 2016 and caused pain and heartache for so many.
With Friday being the anniversary, ProWV organized an event to celebrate the progress those have achieved since the flood destroyed so much for so many. Celebration Recovery was organized to take time to look at how far everyone affected, whether it be from losing their home and personal belongings, etc., or emotionally, has come since the flood.
Gospel music filled the air from various singers, including Tina Richards, Michelle Bodkins, Andrea Cruickshanks and more. Justin Ray, from Senator Joe Manchin’s office was in attendance as well.
Recognition of the first responders who spent days and nights helping rescue stranded people, and getting supplies to them so they had food, water, basic essentials until travel access could be reopened. A rock painting station was available for the children who were in attendance. A balloon was held as well as a time of reflection and to look back at all how far we have all come. White balloons had the names of the 23 lives lost due to the flood and which county the victim lived in in. Colored balloons were to represent feelings, fears, etc. and release them so it would be easier to move on and rebuild life to even better than before. Food was provided: hot dogs, barbecue, chips, cake, cookies and drinks.
We will all be affected by the flood on June 23, 2016, but we will continue to grow, prosper, repair and rebuild.
Thank you to all of those who spent hours organizing this event, those who donated, whether it be food, time, volunteering to help out at the event or whatever it may have been. We hope everyone can continue to prosper and grow and rebuild and come back stronger than before.