Booked 12/10/16
Transport controlled substance into state with intent, possession with intent

Michael Shane Tenney
Booked 12/9/16
Accessory after the fact

Booked 12/7/16
Domestic battery third offense, kidnapping, fleeing, fleeing in vehicle, strangulation, obstructing, assault on officer, battery on officer, malicious wounding

Book 12/8/16
Petit larceny, trespassing

Booked 12/7/16
Conspiracy, capias

Booked 12/7/16
Bailpiece, third license suspended/revoked for DUI, capias

Booked 12/8/16

Booked 12/10/16
Felon in possession of a firearm, transportation of schedule I, II narcotic controlled substance, possession with intent to deliver schedule II controlled substance

Booked 12/8/16
Domestic battery

Booked 12/6/16