By Lee Roy Anderson
Yea that are greedy dogs which can never have enough and they are shepherds that cannot understand they all look to their own way every one for his gain from his quarter.
Isaiah 56:11.
The Test is that the greedy person has little or no regard for the needs of others and may think nothing of hurting others or taking advantage of others in order to get more. His or her life is dominated by greed and selfishness. Greed is repeatedly condemned in the Bible one of the Ten Commandments declares, you shall not covet your neighbor’s house or anything that belongs to your neighbor. Exodus 20:17. It is not wrong to want to work and earn a decent living in fact God has given work to us. But watch this legitimate desire can very easily cross the line into greed. We need to be on guard against greed therefore, but above all we need to make sure our lives are centered in Christ and not things. Remember, how can we know what is right and wrong? All day long they say they are riding the gravy train and get mad when I say they are stealing. What is right? Fix your thoughts on what is right and pure and good and not greed. Sadly there are some who live as though there is not enough good to go around and grumble when others are blessed. Is This You? Sometimes wonder, who do we think we are? God has been so good to us! People live in the greatest country in this world and are afforded opportunities that people in other countries can only dream about. Never before have people had so much and appreciated it so little. With greet they have a grumbling spirit! Often, we say we care about people and we carry burdens but are showing it, doing it and backing our words with action? Anger sadly we know with whom we can blow up and get away with being at our worst.