Lee Roy Anderson
Make a joyful noise unto the Lord all ye land. Serve the Lord with gladness come before his presence with singing. Psalm 100:1-2.
The spirit of Thanksgiving can cause believers to rejoice on the banks of the Red Sea, to look at the fiery furnace and say God is able and to endure life’s impossibilities with the knowledge that he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world, 1 John 4:4. Being thankful is easy when life is running smoothly. It is another matter when things are not going well. However the Bible tells us that we are to rejoice always, pray without ceasing in everything give thanks for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. 1 Thess. 5:16-18. Enter into his gates with thanksgiving.
When was the last time you entered his gates with thanksgiving? If you had to think about the answer then it was too long ago. Begin with a song of thanksgiving. People are singing the grumblers song in country, town or city some people can be found, who spend their lives in grumbling at everything around oh, yes they always grumble no matter what we say, for these are chronic grumblers, and they grumble night and day, they grumble in the city, they grumble on the farm, they grumble at their neighbors, they think it is no harm, they grumble when it’s raining, they grumble when it is dry, they grumble all the year round, yes they will grumble till they die, they grumble at their husbands, they grumble at their wives, they grumble at their children, it’s their way of life. They grumble at their parents, they grumble in their schools, they grumble at their teachers, they grumble at their rules, oh they grumble on a Monday, Tuesday, on Thursday, Wednesday Grumble on Thursday too, Saturday, Sunday, grumble the whole week through. That is the way it is with a lot of people. Focus on the blessings and forget not all his benefits.