Clay County Library: Pledges and Promises
The Clay County Library, built in 1963, is at the present in danger of being closed because of lack of funding. The library, which has over the years encouraged and inspired many young and older readers to broaden their knowledge through the wonderful world of reading, needs your help. It is not known how long this crisis of shortfall of financial support will continue. Since this library has benefited so many Clay Countians, it is the good people of Clay County that we are appealing to with our request. The library is establishing a “Pledge and Promise” board outside the facility to monitor collections from contributors. Inside the library people can view the needed funding and up to the present donations.
People wishing to donate are encouraged to choose one of the following pledges: $10, $25, $50, $100 per month beginning in the month of September 2013 for that year. Any other small or large amount will be greatly appreciated and posted. Each additional year that funding is needed would be separate from the previous year’s pledges and promises. The four listed amounts will be posted under the titles of the Bronze Club, Silver Club, Gold Club, and the Platinum Club respectively. Your consideration of this much-needed attention is greatly appreciated. Donations and contributions can be made at the library any time during the library’s normal working hours.
Shelia Thorne, Librarian.