By Lee Roy Anderson
The slothful man roasteth not that which he took in hunting but, the substance of diligent man is precious. Proverbs 12:27. If there was one thing the pilgrims and our founding fathers had in addition to their faith and trust in God, was the desire to work. Day and night they toiled and God blessed their efforts. It seems strange that what built this country- hard work and real success- is becoming distorted today, and the idea that work is outdated seems to be prevailing. Many today would like to start at the top and work their way down to all leisure time and no work at all but, this is not the answer. What is work? It is God- ordained. From the beginning Adam was told to work the garden. Moses was busy with his father-in-law’s flock. David was caring for his father’s sheep. The list goes on and on.
The Bible says, there is nothing better for a man than he should eat and drink and that he should make his soul enjoy good in his labor. Eccl. 2:24. There is no easy way. Work is an opportunity. There are two kinds of people in this world: self-starters and self-stoppers. Many people never give themselves a fair start because they have the habit of making excuses, rather than the habit of making good. They are self-stoppers. It is easy to find excuses for not doing things but it is a habit loaded with danger. It is giving up without even trying. It undermines the self-confidence. The weather is a perennial excuse for self-stoppers. It’s too hot, it’s too cold, too wet, too stormy, too threatening to do that unpleasant task, or is it just too nice a day to be working?
A self- starter makes a habit of overcoming obstacles. A self-starter will reap the reward of a go getter. There are so many people in the world today who feel they should be entitled to something for nothing. They reap profit from the labors of other’s without a thought of gratitude of thanks. It is good to know that what is done is done in this earthly life is all seen by our father in heaven. Nothing occurs which is outside of his knowledge. Those who receive their reward on earth by ill-gotten means will receive no reward in heaven. Remember the wages of sin are always paid on time. It is good to know that we are never out of the Lord’s sight. He watches all of our comings and goings