One of the signs the Bible tells us of is found in 2 Ti 3:13 But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.
We can readily see the manifestation of these things on the evening news, the news paper, the courtroom or the halls of Congress. It is all around us. Politicians say one thing and when they are elected they run off in a different direction. Some call it fake news. Some call it a different opinion. Some say it is a democratic or a republican thing. What is it?
If you are a Christian you are surely aware that time is winding down and Jesus is coming. Many signs in these days broadcast the warning. We know that the devil, Satan, is doing all he can to cause confusion, doubts and discord. He is the deceiver. He is a liar. It isn’t too hard to figure out that he is behind it all and it is all part of the warfare he has declared on mankind. He is stirring up anger, hate and confusion. Although it is manifested in mankind, it is a spiritual warfare that is taking place.
The devil is trying to divide families, nations, political aspirations and even churches and denominations. He is a master at half-truths and lies. He has had a lot of practice but he has no new weapons. If he can separate you from the truth through ignorance or lies you become his victim and instead of living in peace you fall victim to hostility, fear and anger. As he continues to feed the airways with his schemes division multiplies. Jesus said “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” (John 8:32). However, most don’t know the truth. Even though you may have read it or heard it doesn’t mean you know it. To know the truth begins with a hunger for it. You must have an open heart and search for it. It is right there in the Word of God but all too often the Bible, (the Word of God) lies on the coffee table or on a bookshelf rarely opened, read or studied. That is our responsibility. It requires searching the Scriptures and meditating therein. It requires coming to the point of faith and exercising what the Bible says through speaking and acting on what you have learned. You may know that there are fish in the river but you probably won’t benefit from that awareness unless you go fishing. Open your Bible and see what it says. Let the Spirit of God quicken it into your spirit and receive God’s love, peace and fullness of life.