God used words to create the earth and all that is within. He used words to create the universe. Jesus used words to bring us the good news of the Gospel. The Holy Bible is a collection of words.
Words convey messages and paint verbal pictures. They bring us good news and bad news alike. Some words convey truth and others lies, deceptions and half truths. Words identify who we are and where we are and even where we are going.
Your words can pave the way to your failure, defeat or victory. When you align your words with God and His Word, you give Him something to work with. When your words are words of faith, they will enable angels to work for you and bring God’s blessings your way. If you are always speaking doubt and unbelief, guess what you will be getting. You will be painting a picture of your expectations and your future. If you say things like, “it always happens to me,” or “it runs in my family,” you are opening the door for the devil to lay it on you.
The Bible says, ( Lu 6:45) “A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is evil: for of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaketh.” Did you notice it says that each “bringeth forth” that which is in his heart? If your words separate you from God, they are evil words. By the same token, if your words draw you closer to God by identifying you with His will for your life and what He has declared in His Word, they are good words and will produce good fruit. He gives you the choice.
(Mt 12:37) “For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned.” Think about it. That is either a warning from God or a blessing. God will respond to one and the devil the other. Many are double-minded and one day say one thing and the next day the other. They speak pursuant to their feelings, emotions or facts and do not build a solid foundation on the truth. Emotions, facts and feelings change. Truth does not. God never changes (Mal. 3:6). Jesus does not change (Heb. 13:8).
God demands that we be consistent. Faith demands that we waiver not. Your words will determine your future. Choose wisely.